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This full set includes a sturdy telescopic support tube which allows you to play the baritone or bass sax either in a sitting or standing position.  The steel offset support rod is bent to an optimal angle to pass the sax body. On top of the rod there is an aluminium attaching element. The wire inside the support head is covered with hard plastic so it does not damage your instrument neck strap ring.


The telescopic support tube is significant and strong to give the ultimate confidence in its ability, but is not overly heavy to carry.


The support tube securely adjusts to length where it is locked in position while in use. The steel offset support rod fits inside the top of the tube where is can be fixed in position to present the instrument to you at exactly the desired height.


The quick fastener (see photo) is screw fixed onto the end of the offset support and clips securely to the ring on your saxophone. Included in the package is a plastic coated harness fixing plate - this is fitted onto the quick fastener and offers a position to attach your suuport harness if you wish to still use this also.


Players usually continue to use their harness oe neck strap at first but once they have confidence that they won't let go of the support tube the harness can be left off when playing sitting or standing still.

ErgoSax Baritone or Bass Support

  • We all know that relaxation is very important in Saxophone playing. However, holding the instrument in the correct playing position inevitably produces tension in the hands, shoulders, upper body and throat.

    The ERGOsax works by taking the weight off the right hand thumb & arm, making the whole playing experience light and comfortable.

    It works perfectly both sitting and standing and it frees the tension in holding the soprano in a good position
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